Oberschulzentrum Mals

Oberschulzentrum Mals "Claudia von Medici" (OSZ Mals) with its approx. 100 teachers and approx. 500 students consists of three high schools - a business high school, a sports high school with a special focus on winter sports and a social science high school.

Students of the business high school can either study classical business education or combine it with one of these sports: badminton, football, tennis or ice-hockey. Students of the sports high school can choose among the following disciplines: alpine skiing, ski-cross, cross-country skiing, biathlon, luge on artificial tracks, luge on natural tracks, snowboard or snowboard cross. Education at the social science school has a main focus on political economy but also on human sciences. All three schools are located on the same premises. Although there are three different schools, we see us as one school centre sharing the same educational values.

We perceive our location in the so-called Dreiländereck in the South Tyrolean Upper Vinschgau Valley (where the three countries Italy, Austria and Switzerland border) as an opportunity to grow together with our surroundings and its special characteristics in an educational, sportive, cultural and economic manner. Therefore, we intensively cultivate contacts with the local population as well as with local social, business and sports institutions as well as well-estabished companies. Open and autonomous learning with all its diversity and individuality represents the core of our school philosophy. Our main focus is on how learning can become sustainable. Consequently, we have been reflecting on the latest scientific research regarding neurobiology, personality, psychology, pedagogy and didactics and we do so by continuously training together and in a personal manner. We also foster a culture that welcomes people from all over the world with their ideas and impulses as well as teenagers with special needs and talents.


Website:  https://www.oberschulzentrum-mals.it/

email:      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Rita Thomann                                                         Peter Hofer

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